

Your hands do a great deal of work between the keyboard as well as the mouse, why the heck are you letting your feet be so lazy? [Dossier van D.] is putting an end to the podiatric sloth. He developed this set of three foot pedals which have gone with two versions of functionality.

The buttons themselves are made of a base plate of plywood with a smaller piece on top for every ‘key’. The two parts are separated with some foam carpet pad, with a tactile push button in between to register a click. The only thing we’d modification about this is adding a couple of wooden spacers next to the switch to ensure that unintentionally sanding on a button doesn’t break that electronic component.

Originally each button was soldered to a gaming controller. This worked just fine utilizing button mapping, however just recently [Dossier] made the switch to utilizing an Arduino Leonardo. This is a ideal choice. Unlike input gadgets made with older Arduino versions the Leonardo board can natively register as a keyboard, making it a snap to programmatically map any type of essential to the switches.

If you such as this job you ought to inspect out [Dossier’s] foot mouse as well.